Friday, December 20, 2013

A godseffiana Acalypha wilkesiana


a godseffiana Acalypha, wilkesiana (copperleaf,, brief steak plant, acalypha).Acalypha  are bushy  plants that either can  be maintained  at a height  of 3\2 to 3 feet by being pruned or can be allowed to grow to as  much as twice that height. 

  The species a godseffiana has oval leaves,  2 to 3 inches long, that are distinguished by a broad  white stripe along their   edges. The copperleaf, or  beefsteak plant,  derives both  of its  common names from the red, copper and pink  mottling on its  3 t0 4 inch pointed leaves.

 How to grow

  acalyphas do  best where  they get four or more hours a day of direct  sunlight,  or where they get artificial and natural light  that average 800 foot-candles over  12 hour a day, but they will grow  fairly  well in bright indirect light, such as that  reflected from light walls. Acalyphas prefer night temperatures of 60 to 65, day temperatures of 75 to 85 and a high relative humidity, above  40 per cent. Keep the  soil barely moist at all times. Fertilize established plants at  three to four month intervals, but wait four to six months before fertilizing newly purchased  or newly potted plants. When the plants  become overcrowded,  repor them  in spring . for best result use a mixture of 1 part loam,  1 part peat moss or  leaf mold and 1 par sharp sand; to each  gallon pailfil of this mixture add 1 ½ teaspoons of 20 percent superphosphate, 1 tablespoons of ground limestone and 2 teaspoons of 5-10-5  fertilizer. Otherwhise use a packaged general purpose potting soil. To rejuvenate  old and  straggly plants, cut  them back in early  spring to a height of 8  to 12 inches.  New plants may be started  from stem cuttings at any season, but they root most easily from new growth in summer.