Pest and Disease Mangosteen
1 pest
These pests pierce the leaves .
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Pest and disease |
Control : ( 1 ) maintain environmental sanitation and maintenance of plants that either , (2 ) spraying insecticide Bayrusil 250 EC / Cymbush 50 EC .
2 disease
- leaf spot
Cause: The fungus Pestalotia sp . , Gloesporium sp . And Helminthosporium sp .
Symptoms : spots on the leaves which irregular gray on its head ( Pestalotia sp . ) , Brown ( Helminthosporium sp . ) And black on the upper side and underside of the leaves ( Gloesporium sp . ) .
Control : reduce the moisture that comes from cover crops , cut the affected parts and spraying fungicides that Bayfidan 250 EC / 300 EC Baycolar .
Cause : Corticium salmonicolor Br .
Symptoms : branches / twigs die from skin tissue dries .
Control : cut branches / twigs , bark and wood scrape that attacked and severely truncated by smearing paint or sprayed
- thread blight
Cause: The fungus Marasmius scandens Mass. Dennis Reid et .
Symptoms : mushroom mycelium growing on the surface of branches and twigs to form a white thread which can be extended to cover the lower surface of the leaf .
Control : keep clean and trim the leaves that fell ill .
- cancer stem
Cause: The fungus Botryophaerisa Ribis .
control :
drainage improvements , garden hygiene , cutting sick plants ;
For spraying fungicide Benlate stem cancer , Cobox or Cupravit for other diseases .
- hair blight
Cause: The fungus Marasmius equicrinis Mull .
Symptoms : mangosteen surface covered similar form thread -like dark brown -black ponytail .
Control : same with stem cancer .
- rotten fruit
Cause: The fungus Botryodiplodia theobromae Penz .
Symptoms : begins with the decay of the fruit base and extends to all parts of the fruit rind becomes so bleak .
Control : same with stem cancer .
- root rot
Cause: The fungus Fomes noxious Corner .
Symptoms : root rot and brown .
Control : same with stem cancer . [ mangosteen plant pests and diseases ]