As we know Ginger is one of the medicinal plants that have been used for centuries . In ancient times , ginger is a plant that is in demand by the nobles , especially as a vitality enhancer dr*gs and also to
Ingredients and benefits contained in ginger :
1 . Ginger has preventive inflammatory compound source strong called gingerol . This compound is very useful to help reduce the symptoms of arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis ) , osteoarthritis , and rheumatoid arthritis .
2 . Ginger is known to be effective in providing relief for patients with morning nausea ( morning sickness ) .
3 . Ginger contains antiviral properties . When you have a cold or runny nose , and cough . Make ginger drink for your throat and nasal congestion relief .
4 . Ginger as control of blood sugar levels , and stamina enhancer for the immune system .
5 . Ginger contains minerals such as zinc , chromium and magnesium which help the optimal blood circulation in the body .
Ginger to prevent cancer :
1 . Ginger to prevent colon cancer
A health study conducted at the University of Minnesota , U.S. , suggests that ginger may slow the rate of growth of colorectal cancer cells .
Colon cancer is a malignant growth of cancer cells in the surface of the colon or rectum . Most colon cancer begins with the growth of malignant cells or adenoma , which is in the early stages of forming polyps ( cells that grow very fast ) .
In the early stages , adenomas can be removed easily . It's just that at this early stage , often adenoma did not show any symptoms , so it is not detected in a relatively long time . In fact , adenoma which initially did not cause any complaint was , at one time could develop into a cancer that eats away at all parts of the colon .
Colon cancer prevention tips :
• Avoid foods high in fat , protein , calories , and red meat . Do not forget the calcium and acid consumption folat.Setelah mpolipektomi adenoas undergo recommended calcium supplementation .
• It is recommended supplementation of vitamin E , and D.
• Eat fruits and vegetables every day .
• Do a physical activity , such as brisk walking at least 30 minutes a day .
2 . Ginger for prevention of uterine cancer .
Studies conducted at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center found that ginger powder triggers uterine cancer cell death .
Ginger is a medicinal plant that contains a thousand benefits for the health of our bodies ranging from the treatment of minor illnesses such as flu, colds and coughs up the usefulness to prevent cancer.
so that I can explain about some of the benefits of ginger, the content contained therein, as well as cancer prevention.
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