Thursday, December 12, 2013

Benefits Mangosteen For Pregnant Women and Fetus

Some benefits of mangosteen while pregnancy

      Mangosteen fruit benefits for both mother and fetus understood : Maintaining the health of the fetus while still in the womb is a thing that is very necessary so that when it is born , the baby does not experience things that are not desirable , such as malnutrition , birth defects or other abnormalities .

      To avoid this , various ways can be done by the mother to keep the condition of the fetus remains healthy , one of them by providing adequate nutrition . Nutrient sources can be obtained from a number of healthy foods , one of which fruits . The mangosteen fruit is one of the many types of fruits are recommended to be consumed in an effort to meet nutrition for pregnant women .

Mangosteen Benefits For Fetus

      Consuming mangosteen fruit for pregnant women turned out great health benefits of the fetus . Mangosteen fruit is known to contain a number of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that are good for the mother and the fetus . One of the beneficial vitamins during pregnancy is vitamin C. This vitamin has benefits , among others, to improve the maternal immune system and maintain the elasticity of the skin of the mother to stay healthy during a stretch as the baby's growth preformance her womb .

      Aside from these two nutrients , mangosteen fruit also contains folate . This substance can be beneficial for the fetus because it can reduce the risk of birth defects or abnormalities in the fetus , such as heart defects , spinal abnormalities , cleft lip and other abnormalities .

        Mangosteen fruit contains a substance enough folate , and can be used as a source of food to meet the body's need for folate is 400 mcg / day . Keep in mind , in one cup of mangosteen juice , a substance contained approximately 61 mcg folate .

        Another element in the mangosteen fruit is quite important for the fetus is manganese . This element of the framework is useful in the process of formation and cartilage during fetal growth . Manganese is also an antioxidant that can protect the body of the mother and fetus understood from cell damage . The content of manganese in the mangosteen fruit is quite large . In every one cup of mangosteen juice , contained approximately 0.2 mg of manganese .

Read the next article about the benefits of the >>mangosteen for diabetic