Saturday, October 26, 2013

How to train an indoor tree

 How to train an indoor tree

                plant is the best decoration for any  room in a house, because the impression of green, lush, beautiful, cool, comfortable, that caused the plant. Moreover, the modified plants in such a way that any change tampilanya more beautiful. Placement of plants in the home, needed its own techniques, in order to align with the space available, and there is no impression that dominate mutual between the two. Plant size must be adjusted by the area.

            some people will be reluctant to make the plant more look good, because it takes a long time to establish a plant. but is easily if you are serious.

This time I will explain how to make the plants in the room. but this is only a small part that I can explain. for the reference please find another.
indoor tree
1. to make a treelike form out of a normally busy plant such as a coleus, strart with a singleatermined4-to5-      inches plant in a 3-inch pot. insert a 12-inch stake and the soft cord first to the stake, then loosely to the        stem (insert).

2. when the plant is about 10 inches tall, move itt to a5-inches pot, tie it to a 30 inch stake and begin  to            prune twin leaved side shoots. with coleus, also remove the flowers spike and one side leaf and shoot            (insert) tie to otherleaf so its shoot form to the growing tip.

indoor tree
3.  cut the branches so that after a few months will be very pretty.

4. the result of the training over aperiod of a year or two is a compact crown a foliage a top a "trunk"  the         leaves that grew along the sides of the stem.

thus most of which I can explain . although a little may be useful.
 thanks  a lot.......

source : foliage house plant