Monday, October 14, 2013

About Me

Hi, friend...

I am student of muhammadiyah university of purworejo in department of management. My hobby is reading, sharing article, google, blogging my article. I have enjoy in management because i will be being an investor in big business example goolge. The business must be managing from start building. The consep of building business are inside by management all of resource business. Human resources are very necessary for business. My dream is can be building business which the example is google, and enjoying manage the business. In management we can lerning about investment, resources, accounting, and more. follow me with google+ profil google+ , facebook  and twitter

I hope you can enjoy seeing, searching ,reading, donwloading in my blog.

In the end, thanks for visit my blog and i hope you  can come back soon.

This my account google +

kebumen city  pos code 54392
Country of Indonesia