Wednesday, October 23, 2013

An nest as prevent cancer


           Currently, the development of traditional medicine system is still very fast at the time of treatment with modern advanced technology that supeer . Especially after a lot of patients who can be cured of chronic disease after undergoing traditional treatment . As a result , in the area too many emerging alternative herbal medicine . This herbal medicine is not only derived from the herb ingredients alone , but come from other materials .
tanaman merah
red fruit
               Anthill believed could help cure cancer , hemorrhoids , heart disease , tumors , gout , stroke and increase sexual desire .

Ant nest is a plant that is used as a place to live ant colonies . Because it's inside the womb are found useful for human health . Many ant nests were found in the interior of Papua and likes to stick to the bottom of the large trees , branches also . These plants grow bloated and leaving cavities in the stalks , making it attractive for dating and ant colony living in the place .

             One of the provinces that there are many ant nest is Papua .
Anthill developed by seed or tuber . Bias planted with planting medium or attached to a large tree that bias supply their needs . Outside Papua anthill usually already cut thin , or powder form that is ready for brewing .

          In addition to the ant nest , the presence of red fruit ( pandanus conoideus ) in the search by people with tumors , cancer , hepatitis and diabetes . Red fruits are also able to increase the body's arousal and sex drive .

         Red fruit plants commonly found around the central mountains . Among other Jayawijaya district , Puncak Jaya , Paniani , Mimika and also Nabire .

rumah semut
ant nests
           Red fruit contains a substance content in the form of substances that are useful for human health , among others , beta-carotene , and tocopherols . Both substances are known as anto oxidant compounds that are useful to prevent various diseases . Red fruit also contains essential fatty acids in high doses , so it is easily absorbed digestive organs and facilitate metabolism of the body .

Demand for both types of these plants make the price continues to climb .

thanks' a lot...